Liberty Power USA Inc.

The day when we shall know exactly what electricity is will chronicle an event probably greater, more important than any other recorded in the history of the human race. The time will come when the comfort, the very existence, perhaps, of man will depend upon that wonderful agent
Nikola Tesla
The real potential of electricity lies not in providing social amenities but in stimulating long-term economic development
Christopher Flavin
Electricity is the power that causes all natural phenomena not known to be caused by something else
Ambrose Bierce
Electricity does not centralize, but decentralizes.
Marshall McLuhan
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Bangladesh requires reliable, affordable and sustainable power and we see this as an opportunity.


We are on the quest of advancing the power sector of Bangladesh to the next level through innovation, ingenuity and unmatched execution.

Our Commitment

We’re committed to providing uninterrupted power, sustaining our communities,
investing in our team and growing shareholders value.

Read our Plan

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Read our Plan

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Read our Plan

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Read our Plan

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Read our Plan

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Our Business

We are independent power producers. We build, own, operate power generating facilities
and supply electricity to the national grid.